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我院成功举办“FRP Rehabilitation of Metallic Structures”学术报告会


2020年1月7日上午9时,“FRP Rehabilitation of Metallic Structures”学术报告会在土木楼212报告厅举行。本期学术报告会由土木工程学院陶毅副教授主持,主讲人为新南威尔士大学X.L .Zhao教授,土木工程学院部分教师及近百名研究生参加了本期报告会。



                                                                       X.L .Zhao教授作学术报告




Professor X.L. Zhao is the Associate Dean International, UNSW Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His current research focuses on hybrid construction utilising seawater, sea sand concrete and fibre reinforced polymers; rehabilitation of aging infrastructure using advanced composite materials; and ultra-high strength steel structures. Prior to joining UNSW, Prof Zhao held the Chair of Civil Engineering at Monash University since 2001. He was the Head of Department of Civil Engineering at Monash University from 2008 to 2011. Prof Zhao received a variety of prestigious fellowships, e.g. the Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Invitation Fellow, the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award, the Swiss National Science Foundation Visiting Professorship Award, the Changjiang Professorship and National “1000-Talent” Chair Professorship in China. Prof Zhao chaired the IIW (International Institute of Welding) sub-commission XV-E Tubular Structures for 12 years and IIFC (International Institute for FRP in Construction) Working Group on FRP-Strengthened Metallic Structures for 8 years. Prof Zhao is a Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers. He has published 8 books and 370 SCI journal papers with an H-index of 65. Prof Zhao received 26 grants from the Australian Research Council and supervised 50 PhD students to completion.

